
日本第二言語習得学会 第18回年次大会 (J-SLA2018)

日程: 2018年6月16日(土)~2018年6月17日(日)
場所: 学習院大学

Sentence processing in the second language: What can it tell us about L2 grammatical knowledge?
Dr. Leah Roberts(University of York)

Syntactic asymmetry in L2 Learners’ comprehension of raising constructions
Noriko Yoshimura( University of Shizuoka )・ Mineharu Nakayama(The Ohio State University)・ Atsushi Fujimori(Shizuoka University)

Causative constructions in L2 grammars for psycho verb sentences in English
Shigenori Wakabayashi(Chuo University)・ Naomi Sugahara(Toyo High

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